
Showing posts from September, 2015

10+1 Classroom Management Tips That Saved My Life

Now that the 2015-16 school year has officially begun for the entire country, I thought it would be appropriate to discuss classroom management. The goal of classroom management is not just to create an organized classroom and stress-free days, but most importantly, effective classroom management aims for optimal student learning. Any seasoned teacher can readily agree classroom management goes hand-in-hand with student achievement. Although the content we teach is what we want students to walk away with, effective classroom management is the vehicle to help us reach the goal of student learning. As teachers, we all have an arsenal of classroom management tools that we just can't do without and aide in student learning. Throughout my eight years of teaching, I have experimented with numerous classroom management techniques, tips, and routines; some worked and some did not. Here is a list of the 10 that have survived my experiments and are now a part of my permanent teaching r...