Automatic Newspaper Generator

Just recently I discovered a tech tool that I can't wait to use in my Language Arts classroom next school year: this Automatic Newspaper Generator from the Homemade Gifts Made Easy website. This tool has so many uses in the Language Arts classroom; here's just a few:

  • Summarize a chapter or book 
  • Write a newspaper article (using the 5 W's: Who-What-Where-When-Why) telling about a crucial event in a book
  • Write an article about a special holiday
  • Etc.
Students practice numerous skills when  writing a newspaper article, such as: writing effective headlines; summarizing; writing with focus; main idea, etc. This is  definitely a tool I will use in my classroom next year and will write a new post on how it went. Meanwhile, you can check out a sample article I generated here using the tool here. I based it off The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, which is has always been very popular among my middle school students.


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